“Rachael LeValley is a modern voyager with an ancient Soul.” ~Someone

Namaste & Welcome!

I created Sattva Yoga Gaga because I felt moved to fuse ancient yoga techniques with fluid movement, to create a grounding but expansive sacred dance. Sattva Yoga Gaga injects stillness into dynamism so the whole body will buzz with vibrational radiance and lightness of being.


Rachael LeValley has practiced yoga for over 20 years. She has a combined 500 hours of yoga training in Rishikesh, India. She is the founder of Sattva Yoga Gaga. Born in Louisiana and raised in many places, Rachael witnesses genius in real unity. Her intentional gatherings include asana, puja, meditation, pranayama, mudra, kriya, mantra and dance. The experience is dynamic but earth-bound. The energy generated in the process consciously moves the practitioner beyond the time-space of a yoga class and generates the energy to support individual transcendence and collective change.

Fluent in French, Spanish and English, she teaches around the world. There is no age-limitation or so-called yoga training required. Everyone who breathes can join. Rachael tells participants, "This gathering is itself the creative process of change - the yoga class is a microscopic experience of the cosmic." Rachael is also the founder of Inner City Rishis and Letters to Young Yoginis, organizations which fuse writing with Sattva Yoga Gaga to transform generational poverty - from hurt into radically transcendent experiences of living and aliveness. Please get in touch via email for more information about these projects.